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The LOOP Six-Step Strategy - 1. Workstack

Vicky Hope
June 3, 2024
Design Operations
Creative Operations
How can a marketing department work efficiently if it doesn't know what the business needs it to deliver?

Our six-step strategy kicks off by examining Workstack.

This is the demand from the business to match marketing's capacity, including the creative services support required.

You'd be surprised how many marketing teams can't answer this simple question:

How many briefs have you received for your Workstack this quarter?

When this is overlooked or can't be answered clearly, it can lead to several problems, including:

  • Departmental stress, feeding through in eNPS and the team feeling overwhelmed
  • No way of predicting the demand for support services, such as compliance
  • Third-party agency partners lack a forward view on demand to resource accordingly.

Your team members can only perform at their best if they know their workload. Otherwise, things are constantly in flux, or they end up working extra hours to deliver marketing materials at short notice.

Worse still, skilled marketing professionals lose focus on strategy and best customer response when, instead, they feel like they're churning work to deliver it at speed.

Introducing our Capacity Planning approach

LOOP’s Capacity Planning Approach allows:

  • Briefs to be sized and time-boxed as part of a regular planning cycle
  • Projects to be aligned with your quarterly marketing and business objectives
  • Work to be managed within the team's available capacity
What can the team handle within their capacity? And what needs to go on the backlog?

What makes LOOP different?

We can give you an outside perspective on how to make the most of your marketing capacity and how this can drive efficiencies.

You'll benefit from our deep specialism gained in both agency and client-side roles at leading organisations in regulated industries.

We've been there and done it.

From managing the chaos of always-on brief reception mailboxes to fully transforming work processes within Agile planning cycles.

We're passionate about delivering efficiencies within marketing campaigns that fit into the following categories:

  • High-volume
  • Regulated workflows requiring approvals
  • Complex messaging
  • Multiple audiences and multi-brand

What are the benefits of our Workstack experience?

Our approach has many advantages in matching capacity to demand.

These include:

  • Replacing an 'always-on' approach with a centralised and sustainable capacity-planned alternative
  • Using MI to pinpoint areas for efficiency, such as repeatable briefs that will ease the pressure on creative teams
  • Reducing siloed ways of working to allow you to operationalise a reuse mentality through MarTech

What do our clients say?

"Rather than multiple brief reception mailboxes, now the CMO and team can see all briefs on a tech dashboard, capacity planned by audience and channel."

Read the next step in our process here or to learn more about our six-step process get in touch and see how we can help.