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The LOOP Six-Step Strategy - 3. Technology

Ed Vickers
June 13, 2024
Creative Operations
Design Operations

Is your MarTech falling short of the mark?

All to often we hear statements such as:

It’s a nightmare if someone goes on holiday, all the changes and updates the client has briefed are on their email, we’ll have to wait until they come back.

It’s extremely common for marketing teams to be run off excel spreadsheets, email and shared drives. But it’s more often than not the thing that creates the most admin and inefficiencies when delivering campaigns.

Everyone has their own way of doing things, their own way of storing files and recording client feedback, this is far from idea as it:

  • Amplifies the potential for risk events
  • Doesn’t allow for a clear audit trail
  • Makes reporting on efficiencies more difficult

Trying to standardise processes and get everyone working in a uniform fashion is one step in the right direction, but it fundamentally doesn’t solve the problem. The bottom line is email and excel aren’t a match for a centralised marketing platform.

To be a truly effective marketing function, you need centralised tools that support:

  • Planning
  • Resourcing
  • Asset creation
  • Approvals
  • Distribution
  • Asset storage

What makes us different?

Our MarTech consultancy service audits, reviews and recommends the right solution for streamlined workflows.

Having been embedded in many regulated organisations and seeing what works, we can remove the guesswork from the process.

We look at technology as an enabler and support tool across different functions, including:

  • Workflow efficiency
  • Creativity
  • Collaboration using copywriting and design tools

An example of this could be using an approved AI tool for conceptualising and prototyping during a campaign's initial planning stages.

What are the benefits of our technology experience?

Our tried and tested approach has proved beneficial for several organisations in regulated industries. The advantages include:

  • A single source of information, documentation and progress for all projects and campaigns
  • Considerable reduction in administrative tasks and system to system handoffs
  • Reduction in risk and audit events due to centralised review tools
  • Improved file storage through better technology, search and naming conventions
  • Maximising the reuse of existing documents and other resources by having a centralised platform
  • Increased staff morale and productivity

Working with us will also give you the bandwidth to think more strategically about your use of MarTech and how it can make everyone’s working life easier.

What do others have to say?

The efficiencies since implementing our content marketing solution have lead to marketing managers focusing more on adding value rather than excessive admin.
The reporting our CMP gives us has given us valuable knowledge on how long it takes to deliver campaigns and it also allows us to identify blockers and inefficiencies and where we can make improvements.

To learn more about our technology process or the rest of our six-step process get in touch and see how we can help.